Parquet Flooring


Just to keep it simple, let’s say parquet is a floor crafted in accordance with the art of parquetry. Equally, a parquetry is a workshop ot factory that makes parquet floors.


There is such a variety of timber floors to choose from, that it can be quite a daunting task. It becomes even more confusing when confronted with the choice of European Oak or French Oak.
When choosing certified French oak, you can be sure you are getting a supply from sustainably managed forests. While Euro oak sourced from Austria, Belgium or Germany is harvested in pretty much the same way, some other countries pratice clear felling. Apart from the environmental issues, the result is a lack of colour consistency in the supply. Younger trees also tend to shrink more in the drying process, as well as warp or cup, and sapwood is more frequent. 
If you want wide solid floor boards, French oak is the only sensible choice, especially if sourced from Burgundy or the “Troncay” national forest.


Solid timber is the traditional choice for parquet floors, as it provides elaborate finishes (brushed, smoked, weathered, etc..) and is more competitively priced in narrow width.
With new trends heading towards wider boards, we can now supply engineered parquetry for width greater than 125 mm, and specific situations where thinness is an issue, such as laying on a heated slab, or apartments where an acoustic underlay is also required.


From simply laying blades in squares, to the most intricate panels, parquet designs are infinite.
The most commonly installed patterns include:

90×630 – 125×75090×60090×600390×390 base module
herringbone solid oak timber flooring
chevron solid oak timber flooring
fougere solid oak timber flooring
basketweave solid oak timber flooring


often named after famous castles and palaces of Old Europe, panels are the most stylish statement for your home. The most famous panel is called Versailles, after the Palace of Versailles built by French King Louis the 14th (“The Sun King Louis XIV”. The banner on top of this page shows the “Gallerie des Glaces” (Hall of Mirrors), the most famous gallery in the Versailles palace, that gets 3 million visitors each year. 
Other popular patterns include:

Grand VersaillesPetit VersaillesChantillyMarie AntoinetteD’Aremberg
866 / 1000600845 / 975450 / 540960 / 980
Chantilly solid oak timber flooring


Through selected installers, we can offer you the following finishes:

  • From white to black, water based or oil based stain
  • Water based non-toxic finishes (soap)
  • Traditional natural oil and wax finishes
  • Wire brushing, fine sanding, bleaching, fumed or smoked effect
Lime washed Herringbone hardwood timber flooring
Grand Versaille Parquet Flooring Supplier Melbourne